Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Using Weekday function in Excel

The above formula will display the current day of the week. For example, if you entered this formula in a cell within excel on a Monday. Then the formula will display the word "Monday".
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Using Tomorrow date function in Excel

The excel formula above will display tomorrow's date within excel. So, if today was the 01/01/2014 the formula would display 02/01/2014.
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Year function

The excel formula above will display the current year as set on your computer.
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Month function in Excel

The excel formula above will give you a display of the current month in excel as set on your computer.
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Using Addition in Excel

The formula above will add the value of cell A2 to the value of cell B2.
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Yesterday's Date Function in Excel

The formula above will give you yesterday's date.  It does this by subtracting one day from today's date.
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One week ago date function in Excel

The excel formula above will the date of 1 week ago. It will do this be subtracting seven days from todays date.
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Current Date Function in Excel

The formula above when inputted in excel will give you the current date as displayed on your computer.
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Absolute formula in Excel

The excel absolute formula returns the value of the referenced cell as a positive value whether it is positive or negative. So take the following two formulas: =ABS(20) will display the value 20. =ABS(-20) will also display the value 20.
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Using the foward slash as a division symbol...the formula above will divide the value in cell A2 by the value in cell B2.
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Multiplication in Excel

Using the astrix, the formula above will multiply the value in cell A2 by the value in cell B2.
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Using Subtraction in MS Excel

The formula above will subtract the value of cell B2 from cell A2.
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Date and Time function in Excel

The formula above will extract the current date and time in excel of the computer it is on.
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Using IF Statements in MS Excel

An if statement didplays a specific output based on the value of a particular cell.   An else if statement displays more than one output...So it is not giving a yes or no answer, but several possible answers.
For example, say you want to dislay the word child for the age less than 18 and the word working adult for ages less than 65 and the word retired for ages equal to and over 65. Let us say column A has the range of ages.
The formula below is an example of the above query:
=IF(A2<18,"Child",IF(A2<65,"Working Adult","Retired"))
Note: quotes are always used for text or alpha numeric data. Do not include quotes for number values.
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IF Search Statement (wildcard if statement)

An if search statement diplays a specific output based on a value that is embedded within a text string that contains other values.
For example, say you want to dislay the number 1.78 everytime the value in any of the cells in column A contains the value of 16:9 or otherwise display the word "Check Material". Let's also say an example text in cell A2 is "625 PAL - 16:9 WIDESCREEN"
The formula below is an example answer to the above query:
=IF(NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("16:9",A2,1),1.78,"Check Material")
Note: quotes are always used for text or alpha numeric data. Do not include quotes for number values.
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IF Statements...continued

An if statement didplays a specific output based on the value of a particular cell.
For example, say you want to dislay the word "Yes" everytime the value in any of the cells in column A say "Edit-Base" or otherwise display the word "No".
The formula below is an example of the above query:
Note: quotes are always used for text or alpha numeric data. Do not include quotes for number values.
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Using IF Statements in MS Excel

An if statement didplays a specific output based on the value of a particular cell.
For example, say you want to dislay the word "No" everytime the value in any of the cells in column A say "Clean Version" or otherwise display the word "Yes".
The formula below is an example of the above query:
=IF(A2="Clean Version","No","Yes")
Note: quotes are always used for text or alpha numeric data. Do not include quotes for number values.
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Using Minimum Formula ub Excel

The formula above will find the cell with the minimum or lowest value in column A. It will also display this value.
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Using VLOOKUP Exact Match Formula in Excel

The theory for vlookups is as follows:
=VLOOKUP(cell reference, corresponding range of cells to link to, column number to output, false)
An example is as follows:
The formula above will link cell A2 to cells C2 to C30. Note the values in cells C2 to C30 must be the same type as the values in column A where cell A2 exists. The number 2 means that the data returnerd from the vlookup formula would be from the 2nd column to column C, which would be Column D.  The most appropriate data to use as the link reference or lookup cell reference would be unique identifiers. So column A and cells C2 to C30 would work perfectly with them both being customer id columns or employee id columns. That would be the most appropriate way to match any data.  The word: "False" means: Find an exact match.
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Using Maximum formula in Excel

The formula above will find the cell with the maximum or highest value in column A. It will also display this value.
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Using CountIF Formula in Excel

The formula above will count the number of times the value Test appears in the whole of column A and also display the number.
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Using Sum Formula in Excel

The formula above will give you the total value of column A (e.g in the case that you have sales figures in column A). It will display this value.
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