Sunday, October 27, 2013


=FORECAST(Month Number to predict, Range of sales for prior 12 months, Range of month numbers for the year from 1 to 12)
Sales Table:
          A           B
1     Month   Sales
2     1            2457
3     2            8544
4     3            4145
5     4            6425
6     5            7885
7     6            8643
8     7            2354
9     8            4235
10   9            8664
11   10          4627
12   11          9753
13   12          9999
You should open a new excel workbook and populate  cells A1 to B13 with the headers and data listed above. Then in a separate cell enter the formula above to see your prediction for the month of August (8).
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Thursday, October 17, 2013

COUNTA Formula - counts nonblank cells

The COUNTA formula counts the number of cells in a range that are not empty. it does not distinguish between different datatypes.
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Small Formula

The SMALL function displays the smallest or lowest value from a range based on the number value written after the range reference. The number 2 in the formula above states that the formula should display the 2nd to last (or 2nd smallest) value from range A2 to A9. A number 1 would denote to display the last or 1st smallest value. The number 3 would denote to display the 3rd to last or 3rd lowest value and so on.
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Monday, October 14, 2013

Convert Formula to Number Value

Formula values normally can't be summed up to give a total sum for a range of numbers. To be able to display the total sum of a range written in formula you have to convert each formula cell to number format. To do this you have to use "=VALUE()".
=Value(Mid(Cell,Start number,Number of characters))
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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Large Formula

The Large function displays the largest or highest value from a range based on the number value written after the range reference. The number 2 in the formula above states that the formula should display the 2nd highest (or largest) value from range A2 to A9. A number 1 would denote to display the 1st highest value. The number 3 would denote to display the 3rd highest value and so on.
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Kurt Formula

The Kurt formula measures the Kurtosis of a range. It basically measures the steepness or flatness of a range of numbers. For instance if there is a sharp incline in a range of numbers followed by a steep decline then the Kurt value will be equal to or above 0. If there is a slow incline and also a gradual decline in a range of numbers over a period then the Kurt value will be equal to or below 0.
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