Saturday, November 24, 2012

Round formula

The excel formula above rounds the value in cell A2 up by 1 decimal place. Let's say the value in A2 is 1.27. Well the value that will be displayed as a result of the round formula is 1.3. The comma followed by the number one in the formula above tells excel to round the value in A2 up by 1 decimal place.
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Number of characters or digits formula

The excel formula above will tell you the total length of characters in cell A2. The formula also considers spaces as part of it's count of the number characters. So, if you had the word count with a single space after it like this:  "Count ". It will sum the number of  characters in the word count and add the single space as well, which would come to 6 as opposed to 5. Also if you had the word "Mark" with no spaces in it. it would give you the sum of 4 as the length of characters being that there are only 4 characters in the word Mark.
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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Else if statement

Let us say column A has you prices and you want to add 25% between 10 and 19, add 35% between 20 and 29 and so on. The best thing to do is an else if statement like this:

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Convert text to initial capital (proper)

The excel formula above will convert the text in the cell A2 to initial capital. So, the text "debt" will be converted to "Debt".
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Convert text to lower case or small letters

The excel formula above will convert any text to lower case. For example the text "CAN" would be converted to "can".
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Convert string to upper case

The excel formula above will convert text of any format to capital letters. For instance, if the text in cell a2 said "trust", then the formula will convert it to "TRUST".
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Trim spaces

The excel formula above will remove spaces in front and behind any text or number or date value. It does not remove spaces in between.
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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Next month date function for Excel

The excel formula above will display the next month from the current month in excel. So, if this month is February, the formula will display "March".
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Previous month date function in Excel

The excel formula above will display the previous month from the current within excel. So, if the current month is February. Then Excel will display the word "January".
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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Month date function in Excel

The excel formula above will display the current month of the year once inputted within excel. So, if we are in the month of February, the excel formula will display the word "February".
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Saturday, November 3, 2012

One week in the future date function in Excel

The excel formula above will didplay the date in one week from the current date within excel.
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Next year's date function in Excel

The excel formula above will display next year's date within excel.  So, if the current year is 2012 then the formula will display 2013.
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