Friday, March 28, 2014

true/false match formula

To test if the values of 2 adjacent cells match exactly do the following:
The results will be displayed as "True" if the pairs match or "False" if the pairs don't match.
You want to compare cell A2 to cell B2.  Let's say both cells have the value of 108.  The formula would be:
The result would be "True".

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Date Formula

=NOW()Returns today's date and time24/06/2012 20:15
=TODAY()returns today's date24/06/2012
=WEEKDAY(NOW())Returns the day of the week for today (Sunday) as a number1
=WEEKDAY(TODAY())Returns the day of the week for today (Sunday) as a number1
=DAY(TODAY())Retruns the day of the month for today (24th)24
=DAY(NOW())Retruns the day of the month for today (24th)24
=WEEKNUM(NOW())Returns the week number of the year which is 26 weeks into the year for today26
=WEEKNUM(TODAY())Returns the week number of the year which is 26 weeks into the year for today26
=MONTH(NOW())Retruns the month of the year which is 6 (June)6
=MONTH(TODAY())Retruns the month of the year which is 6 (June)6
=YEAR(NOW())Retruns the current year which is 20142014
=YEAR(TODAY()Retruns the current year which is 20142014
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Straight Line Value Formula

Excel Straight Line (SLN) Depreciation YouTube Video

The straight line value is an excel formula which calculates the total depreciation amount of an asset you may hold for you business. Such as manufacturing machines.


=SLN(Cost of item, Lowest depreciated value, Life span of asset in years)

Example with number values:


Example using cell references:


Where cells:

A2 = Cost of item

A3 = Lowest depreciated value

A4 = Life span of asset in years
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