Monday, January 28, 2013

Combine formula

The excel formula above will display the different kind of combinations you can have with the number 2 into 4. This is regardless of the order of the combinations. So if you had optional modules A,B,C and D and you had to take any 2 of them, then you would have 6 combinations being:
AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, and CD
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

PERMUT formula

The excel formula above will display the number of ordered combinations you can have for 3 items by using 2 items out of 3. Let's say you had the options A, B,and C, which equates to 3 as above. Also, let's say you can take only two options in different orders as sugested by the 2 after the comma. So the formula above will give you 6 as the answer, as there are 6 possible ordered combinations. The following explains the ordered combinations you can have. So out of A, B, and C the 6 possible combinations you can have are:  AB, BA, BC,CB, AC and CA.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Random number formula

The excel formula above will display random numbers with decimal places, primarily between 0 and 1. Which as you fill it down the excel.spreadsheet will generate random numbers. Such as, 0.13452789 and 0.97856453.
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Random number genarator formula for specific range

The excel formula above will generate random numbers between 1 and 65 as you fill it down an excel spreadsheet.  The (65-1)+1 bit tells excel to only select numbers between 1 and 65. Simplified it would be (higher number - lower number) + lower number. The RAND()* part randomises the numbers in the range. A sample result would be 56.90875721 or 1.34168538.
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Saturday, January 12, 2013

PI Area formula

The excel formula above calculates the area for the diameter of 10.  which gives the value of 78.53982. It is calculated by finding the radius of the diameter 10. Then multiply the radius to the power of 2. Then multiplying the resulting value by PI.
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PI diameter formula

The excel formula above will give you the diameter of the circumference value of 7.  Which is 2.22816.
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PI circumference formula

The excel formula above will display the circumference value for the diameter of 3.  Whch is 9.42477.
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PI formula

The excel formula above will display the value of PI. Which is 3.141593.
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SIGN formula

The excel "Sign" formula indicates if the value of a cell is positive, negative, or zero. The Sign formula does this by displaying a '1' for a positive value higher than zero. Displays a '-1' for negative values below zero. Also displays '0' for values equal to zero. So, =SIGN(2) will display a value of 1.  =SIGN(0) will display a value of 0. Finally =SIGN(-7) will display a value of -1.
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Truncate to zero decimal place formula

Let's say the cell reference of A2 in the formula below has a value of 111.13:
The value that would be displayed as a result of the formula above would be111. The number, 0 after the cell reference of A2 and the comma is telling excel to truncate the value of 111.13 to 0 decimal place. Giving  the value of 111.
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Truncate minus 2 decimal places

Let's say the cell reference of A2 in the formula below has a value of 111.13:
The value that would be displayed as a result of the formula above would be100. The negative number, -2 after the cell reference of A2 and the comma is telling excel to truncate the value of 111.13 back minus 2 decimal places. Giving  the value of 100.
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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Truncate back minus 1 decimal place

Let's say the cell reference of A2 below has a value of 111.13:
The value that would be displayed as a result of the formula above would be. 110. The negative number, -1 after the cell reference of A2 and the comma is telling excel to truncate the value of 111.13 back minus 1 decimal place. Giving  the value of 110.
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Friday, January 4, 2013

Truncate to 1 decimal place formula

Let's say the cell reference of A2 below has a value of 111.13:
The value that would be displayed as a result of the formula above would be. 111.1. The number 1 after the cell reference of A2 and the comma is telling excel to truncate the value of 111.13 back 1 decimal place. Giving 111.1
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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Convert Number to Words (Indian Format)

How to create the sample function Called SpellNumber

  1. Start Microsoft Excel.
  2. Press ALT+F11 to start the Visual Basic Editor.
  3. On the Insert menu, click Module.
  4. Type the following code into the module sheet.

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Truncate to 2 decimal places formula

Let's say the cell reference of A2 below has a value of 1.13:
The value that would be displayed as a result of the formula above would be. 1.13. The number 2 after the cell reference of A2 and the comma is telling excel to truncate the value of 1.13 to 2 decimal places. Giving 1.13.
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

RAND formula rounded to 0 decimal place

=ROUND(RAND() * (65-1) +1,0)
The excel formula above will generate random numbers between 1 and 65 as you fill it down an excel spreadsheet.  The (65-1)+1 bit tells excel to only select numbers between 1 and 65. Simplified it would be (higher number - lower number) + lower number. The RAND()* part randomises the numbers in the range.  The ROUND(...,0) part rounds the random numbers to zero decimal place.  A sample result would be 57 or 1.
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