The Trend formula is used to forecast predicted growth or decline in most popularly sales figures of a business.
=Trend(previous sales data range, previous months data range, new month number or cell reference)
For the formula above make sure you use absolute cell referencing with the dollars on both sides of the letters as shown, a part from the last cell reference being "C2" in this case. Then fill the formula down.
For the formula above make sure you use absolute cell referencing with the dollars on both sides of the letters as shown, a part from the last part which is just a number in this case "13". This paticular formula using the number 13 and not a cell reference is only useful for single next month prediction.
The table below is a sample data set. NB: T is for Trend Forecast and mn is for Month.
mn sales T.sales
1 8685 13 5625
2 7865 14 5437
3 9765 15 5248
4 4455 16 5060
5 7865 17 4871
6 2334 18 4683
7 9876 19 4494
8 5647 20 4306
9 7864 21 4117
10 3456 22 3929
11 9823 23 3740
12 4567 24 3552
=Trend(previous sales data range, previous months data range, new month number or cell reference)
For the formula above make sure you use absolute cell referencing with the dollars on both sides of the letters as shown, a part from the last cell reference being "C2" in this case. Then fill the formula down.
For the formula above make sure you use absolute cell referencing with the dollars on both sides of the letters as shown, a part from the last part which is just a number in this case "13". This paticular formula using the number 13 and not a cell reference is only useful for single next month prediction.
The table below is a sample data set. NB: T is for Trend Forecast and mn is for Month.
mn sales T.sales
1 8685 13 5625
2 7865 14 5437
3 9765 15 5248
4 4455 16 5060
5 7865 17 4871
6 2334 18 4683
7 9876 19 4494
8 5647 20 4306
9 7864 21 4117
10 3456 22 3929
11 9823 23 3740
12 4567 24 3552